Comments on: Facebook’s Top 14 Usability Mistakes and How to fix them iJoomla Blog Thu, 24 Aug 2017 01:42:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Background Check Wed, 25 Apr 2012 07:57:18 +0000 Wow. Seems you had a really nice tyime in this exotic place. Your information is very helpful. Wish I can visit some day. @

By: Facebook as a technology system | The Transmoder Project Mon, 02 Jan 2012 08:03:15 +0000 […] Very few users complain that the system is very difficult to use (although some claim there is no usability testing), and its use has improved general digital literacy enormously (particularly for the “digital […]

By: Merav Knafo Fri, 03 Jun 2011 18:14:34 +0000 I seriously doubt it 🙂

By: Pet Products Fri, 03 Jun 2011 18:11:29 +0000 I think all 14 usability issues are bang on the money. As someone who only dabbles with FB (I have a real life, thank you) I don’t often login. When I do, there seems to have been another layout update & I struggle to find where they have moved some of the functionality.

Do you suppose they run focus groups and listen to the feedback?

By: Emma Tester Mon, 30 May 2011 15:54:59 +0000 The suggestion bar at the pathetic question site needs to be turned off. I for one, do not need that much help. Also, when you enter a question, you never get an answer. It’s facebook’s site and their tech staff can’t answer your questions??? I would like to be able to sign into a site w/o that p-i-t-a facebook box wanting you to use your f/b sign in. Facebook has gotten way too intrusive with tracking your business.

By: How to Improve Your Facebook User Experience… When Facebook Won’t Do It for You | iJoomla Blog Wed, 09 Mar 2011 19:58:51 +0000 […] wrote about Facebook’s usability issues some time ago. The main issue with Facebook is the enormous amount of garbage and uninteresting […]

By: The Top 14 Annoying Facebook Behaviors That Will Cost You Friends | iJoomla Blog Tue, 08 Feb 2011 20:38:28 +0000 […] written before about Facebook’s usability issues, especially regarding the new Facebook profile. But Facebook doesn’t seem to care about the user […]

By: Why the New Facebook Profile Doesn’t Work | iJoomla Blog Fri, 10 Dec 2010 17:38:07 +0000 […] already written about the 14 biggest usability mistakes on Facebook. Nothing has improved since then. But a few days ago, Facebook rolled out a new profile page. In my […]

By: abysss Tue, 13 Apr 2010 17:04:11 +0000 The Top news and Most recent are the most irritating function they added on FB!!!

it makes me go crazy… everywhere I read that the criteria for your post to go to the Top news section is that you have some thumbs UP or comments below, otherwise your post goes straight under the fuckin’ Most recent section, where kinda nobody sees it.

But some people get their post directly, I mean really, directly to the top news, without having any thumbs UP or comments below. I don’t get it… I wrote to facebook support, they kinda ignored my question, I looked on the internet everywhere to find a way to make my posts appear under Top News, but I haven’t had any luck.

It’s really frustrating, when you kinda want to post something you retain very important, and then you quickly get drown in the sea of other Most recent posts. Soem people even got under Top news, when they’re calculation HOW MUCH ARE THEY IN LOVE TODAY in percents… OH GIVE ME A BRAKE… If I don’t figure that out I will leave FACEBOOK because I now have my balls rotating around my head!!!! Seriously!!!!

By: MIchael Pignataro Tue, 23 Feb 2010 15:12:57 +0000 There are more then 14 of these annoying things on FaceBook. But I think you got the most obvious ones out there.

I just did a class a week before the launch. Right after the launch I got a lot of people sending me messages or calling me saying what did FaceBook do. I looked and I felt like I had to relearn the whole thing. I do not like the new look. Now I dont use Facebook as much as I used to. I guess they are trying to weed people out. That is my guess. Everything that they did with this new launch truly means that the organization has no idea what it means to move forward. They literally went backwards. They got rid of the bottom bar. So now when i want to do something there is only 1 or 2 pages you can find the information that was there.

I heard it was because of advertisers. Well I think they should have rethink other ways of advertising. If I am not going there how is that helping the advertisers?

Well good luck Facebook. Cause I truly think you are going to need it.


Michael Pignataro
