Guru LMS 5.2.0 updated for new features, improvements and bug fixes
In last release of Guru Joomla LMS extension, we added support for Scorm and Custom fields. This release will give more control for certificate views in each course, Editor support for teachers, RTL improvements with a total of 4 new features, 9 improvements and 19 bug fixes.
1. New Features:
Custom Certificate option :
Before the release of Guru 5.2.0 certificates will be issued a standard for all the course, To configure the default certificates you set the view option in Guru > Certificates. This release will give you more control over the certificates. Now you can set a different certificate for each different course, Yes! In each course option, you will see a new option.
Once you turn of the custom certificate it will allow you to configure the following options as it was for default certificate configurations :
- Certificate background image
- Certificate Template for HTML View
- Certificate Template for PDF View
- Certificate Page
- Email Template
- Email My Certificate
Login Redirection for Teachers :
After login teachers are redirected to the teacher profile to view the profile settings and further they can move to students and course view options. After this update you will see a new option in Guru > Teachers > Settings > Login Redirection.
You can add custom URL in this field to redirect the teacher to a different page.
Icon control on certificate page :
Students are allowed to view, download and share certificates If you want to control it. There is an option added in the Guru backend. This option is used to allow/disallow student to view or download the certificates.
Editor support for Teachers
Now Your site Author/teacher have more option to add the bio on the frontend, You can use the same editor you are using in Joomla default configuration to allow teacher for Adding/Editing the bio information.
Improvements :
- Mask the password and secret key in Paypal Pro: New update will mask the password and private key in PayPal payment plugin.
- Plugin support – System – User Actions Log: User action log supported with Guru
- RTL Support for the quiz: RTL support added for quiz lesson in courses
- Certificate URL in Email: Certificate URL added for certificate email (Student can view certificate via Email link )
- Add option to allow/disallow to delete their own course: Admin can allow/disallow teachers to delete their own course, You can find these setting on Guru backend > Teacher setting.
- Increase Quiz time: Now you can add a quiz timer from 1 to 150 mins or unlimited.
- Editor support for Essay in Quiz : Essay type question support editor in quiz.
- Price with decimals: Yen currency support.
- Course displays empty tab when there is no course description: Content tab of the course will be the default if there is no content in the description of course.
Course displays empty tab when there is no course description: Content tab of the course will be a default if there is no content in the description of course.
Bug Fixes :
- The quiz is not published but still run exam time
- Lesson dropdown broke with PHP 7.2 Guru Light
- Breadcrumb displays error on the course detail page
- Typing mistake on Custom guru url page
- Shouldn’t allow creating new course category with the empty category name
- Got error when creating a duplicate course category name
- Category List Layout Layout options not working
- Guru search module show the same results
- Teacher list page use a double slash in images
- Database Error in My Projects page
- Can’t pick a colour on custom certificate tab
- Background colour, Font is not working on certificate pdf
- Got error when using MPDF for certificate page
- Student can edit teacher’s course with URL
- Got notice error in the dashboard page
- End publishing date is not working
- Guru Search Courses module displays error in RTL
- Got notice error when creating a lesson with scorm
- Colour picker displays the wrong position