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Resolved Ad Agency

AdAgency Active
  1. Arrie
  2. Ad Agency
  3. Tuesday, 13 March 2018
  4.  Subscribe via email
I used to use Ad Agency and it worked quite well. That was the old version. I had to rebuild my website to Joomla 3, because I had a huge site and couldn't transfer it from Joomla 2.5 to 3. I bought a new Ad Agency Pro and I am really disappointed. I paid for the module and install it. I set it up exactly as my previous Ad Agency module. It is nearly a month and I can't use it yet. I don't think it is compatible with Joomla 3. I don't know what will happen, because Joomla 4 is on its way. I could fix my Ad Agency at all so I had to buy a course and the course is as old as Joomla 1.5. That doesn't help at all. I used that same course on my previous Ad Agency module. That course was a waste of money. My Ad Agency module does not work. Normally after registering a client it automatically go to add a Banner or Text, but nothing is happening. Previously one could talk to you guys, but now you have a forum which doesn't help much. If you want to make money out of us, be reasonable and give us our moneys worth.
Kind regards

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