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Resolved content organization shared publication content and methodology

GURU Active Publisher Active AdAgency Active iSEO Active
  1. Christopher
  2. Publisher
  3. Friday, 02 February 2018
  4.  Subscribe via email
Previously I asked how we would manage multiple publications for multiple cities
IE Oshawa, Whitby, Peterborough
Your response was to create Multiple Publications which I did, and these Publications hold Issues

I also asked about having High Schools in each one of these cities to have their own Publications , Can I organize the High Schools as Sub Publications of the correct City?

COMBINED CONTENT DISPLAY - So I have this template that we loaded
My Question is can I pull content from Different Publications to this PAGE?
For Example I have an Emergency Services Reporter that I created a Publication For and A high School, Can I display the news from these publications on this template? Like in Section 1 in the image attached

if you remember this Site is to feed content to my IP TV station which already run from RSS feeds, I need the content from this website to help provide addition local content RSS Feeds to my IP TV station - as Shows, I need to know how to organize the content to display on IP TV - If I was to Feature Shows from different Publications to make these the videos that are shared to IPTV station?

So in the Image Section 1 - Is it possible to display Show Categories from different publications
For Example I have A hosts doing shows for Health, Food, Sports, Breaking News, High School News, Breaking News. Etc

Please Explain in detail how to do this

Section 2 in the image in the News Gallery can I pull featured stories or latest stories from differnt publications?
For Example - I would like each high school to have their own Publication that has all High School News, Sports, Entertainment, Drama Etc ( categories)
Breaking News to have their Own Publication with Categories for Police Services, Fire and Emergency Categories
Music News has their own Publication with Categories, Charity as well to have own publication Etc.
Hence in Section 2 Can I Display news images from the various publications?
Should I use the Video Scroller? See attachmnet Image 2

Section 3 in Image 1 Have a breaking news Title for the Module - How do I get the News from my Breakinf News Publication into this - an everything is to be video

Their are other SEction Like "Latest News" or Even "More News" Which have a Tag on them For Economic

Are you understanding what I am looking for? Because I have no idea how to organize the Content to achieve this setup of multiple publications and category Shows to feed a central community page.

PLEASE NOTE - I would like to request an only Chat consult to get through the methodology of your system and how we can make it work for us... lots of ways to make things work but rigjht now we are Flying BLIIND - dont even know how to get content going and expeciall how to Combine our current RSS feeds to mix with author content - YOUR ON FACEBOOK messenger insisted that I buy the products to speak to Forum and that I would be offered top notch Support,.
I insisted that I wanted to speak with people to get a firm understanding from both sides to understand how to achieve our project Goals - At this point I feel frustrated - not only with the basics of publisher but Jomsocial is massive learning curve

If I cant get some real 1 on 1 chat assistance or a phone call for basic methodoligy of features categories and content sharing I dont think the time is worth trying to play with your software - I already feel mislead by your facebook representation
Attachments (2)

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